Our support associations

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Support for BayStartUP

The shareholders behind BayStartUP are two associations with members from the Bavarian economy and from the founder scene:

  • Förderverein Innovatives Unternehmertum Nordbayern e.V.
    (Association for the Promotion of Innovative Entrepreneurship in Northern Bavaria e.V.)
  • Förderverein Innovatives Unternehmertum Südbayern e.V.
    (Association for the Promotion of Innovative Entrepreneurship Southern Bavaria e.V.)

Their common goal is to promote the establishment and growth of Bavarian companies. The shareholder structure of BayStartUP with support associations as shareholders was chosen quite deliberately in order to integrate as many partners as possible into the ownership structure.

Through their membership fees, the support associations strengthen all measures of BayStartUp GmbH in addition to the sponsor income. They have around 250 members, including companies and institutions, cities and municipalities or universities. Many former participants in the Bavarian Business Plan Competitions, who are now successful entrepreneurs, also give something back to the network with their membership.

Prof Dr Peter Russo, Chairman of the Board of the Förderverein Innovatives Unternehmertum Südbayern e.V.:

‘In order to promote a strong ecosystem, there needs to be a central point of contact that acts as a bridge between all stakeholders. The Innovative Entrepreneurship Associations are already successfully fulfilling this role by connecting companies, municipalities and regional start-up institutions - but our goal is to further expand and strengthen this network.’

Core objectives of the support associations

  • Initiation and accelleration of innovative company foundations 
  • Support of growth-oriented companies
  • Promotion and expansion of networking in Bavaria
  • Transfer of knowledge in all startup and growth-related issues
  • Provision of an investor network for companies in the growth phase
  • Enhancing the attractiveness of the economic area and the regions in Bavaria

Become a member

We are happy to welcome new members, from startups to municipalities and established companies from all Bavarian regions!

As a member of the Southern or Northern Bavarian Support Association, you will contribute to the support offered by BayStartUP. You can help shape our activities at the general meetings and find out more about startup support. You will benefit from the strong network of association members throughout Bavaria.

Association for the Promotion of Innovative Entrepreneurship in Northern Bavaria e. V.

Application with articles of association and contribution information for members in Northern Bavaria

Download PDF

Fax: 0911 13 13 97-49
Mail: foerderverein-nordbayern@baystartup.de
Postal service: F.U.N. e. V., Am Tullnaupark 8, 90402 Nuremberg

Association for the Promotion of Innovative Entrepreneurship in Southern Bavaria e. V.

Application with articles of association and fee information for members in Southern Bavaria

Download PDF

Fax: 089 388 38 38-88
Mail: foerderverein-suedbayern@baystartup.de
Postal service: Förderverein innovatives Unternehmertum Südbayern e. V., c/o BayStartUp GmbH, Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1, 80992 Munich

The management boards of the associations

Management Board Northern Bavaria association

  • Dr. Joachim Kuhn, Chairman of the Management Board
  • Dr. Hannah Winkler von Mohrenfels
  • Dr. Heiko Neumann

Management Board Southern Bavaria association

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Russo, Chairman of the Management Board
  • Dr. Lothar Stein
  • Kurt Kapp