We get startups on track.

BayStartUP is one of the most important contact points for startups seeking venture capital. Develop your entrepreneurial skills with us and learn how to steer your startup successfully on the market and into the next financing round.


Venture capital and innovations.

BayStartUP coordinates a top-class and active investor network. With an annual investment volume of over 50 million euros in the early stages, we play a pioneering role in startup matching throughout Europe. You too can rely on our many years of experience in the selection and qualification of startups.


Cooperations between startups and industry.

With our nationwide startup - industry cooperations, we bring established companies and startups together and provide conceptual advice on the development of suitable strategies for cooperations between startups and medium-sized companies.


This is Baystartup

BayStartUP is the Bavarian startup network for founders, investors and industrial players. As the central institution for startup financing in Bavaria, we support innovative founders in building up their companies and in the search for startup and growth capital.

News from our network

Our Partners

DIEHL Ventures

EXIST | University-Based Business Start-Ups

High-Tech Gründerfonds

Osborne Clarke

Pape & Co.
Steuerberatung und Wirtschaftsprüfung

Stadtsparkasse München

Steuerteam Landsberg | München
Tax consultancy & auditing

Versicherungskammer Bayern
Versicherungs- und Vorsorgevermittlung GmbH

Weickmann & Weickmann 
Patent attorneys and lawyers

Winter Brandl
Patent und Law Firm

Support associations Innovatives
Unternehmertum Nordbayern & Südbayern e.V.